10207 Caves Road Deepdene, Western Australia 6290, Australia

    08 9758 4070

    0431 065572


Augusta Boat Harbour

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Augusta Boat Harbour


The Augusta boat harbour provides the much-needed safe haven for vessels between facilities at Albany to the east, and Busselton, to the north.

This world-class, landmark facility provides commercial and recreational users with appropriate infrastructure to service the region’s tourism and commercial fleet with the 2.8 hectares of sheltered water and 5 hectares of land for service facilities including:

  • A four-lane boat launching facility with floating finger jetties.
  • A 50m land-backed service wharf.
  • Forty boat pens for commercial and recreational vessels.
  • Car-and-trailer parking for 160 vehicles.
  • Four fully-serviced land development lots for marine related purposes.
  • Amenities building and pavilion.
  • 24hr closed circuit television security surveillance.

It will also serve as a regional base for sea search and rescue operations, supported by the Augusta airstrip.