10207 Caves Road Deepdene, Western Australia 6290, Australia

    08 9758 4070

    0431 065572


Archive for January, 2016

Posts Tagged ‘Adventure’

Hamelin Bay

Posted on: January 20th, 2016 by admin_wrenwood

Hamelin Bay is 8 kms from Wrenwood Chalets.  A very popular beach and fishing destination. Look out for the many stingrays that swim along the foreshore. Great for a days outing and a day at the beach. Many wrecks lie off the coast. In the day it had a jetty where timber was loaded onto large sailing vessels for transportation to many cities around the world. The Cape to Cape Track runs across the beach to the west of the town making Hamelin Bay one of the few settlements located along the track.


Cape to Cape Track

Posted on: January 9th, 2016 by admin_wrenwood 6 Comments

David will drop you off along the Cape to Cape Track, from Prevelly to Augusta-Leeuwin Lighthouse, Water Wheel, and pick you up at days end along the track. We can provide a cooked Breakfast, Lunch packs and an Evening Dinner. Let us know what you desire, we are here to help. We are located on Caves Road opposite Cresswell Road which leads to the Beach and the Cape to Cape Track 3 kms away. The Cosy Corner turn off is 3 kms west of us and Jewel Cave is 2 kms east.

Cosy Corner

Posted on: January 1st, 2016 by admin_wrenwood 4 Comments

Located less than 6 kms from Wrenwood Chalets are the pristine waters of Cosy Corner, ideal for a beach walk, fishing or a quiet picnic. The Cape to Cape Track passes through here and is a good pick up or drop off point.